I just wanted to write you a quick note considering the communication that came from the Washington State DOH and King County this afternoon.
The pool committee has not had the opportunity to meet and assimilate the guidance. The guidance from the State DOH is nuanced and complex about recreational facilities especially when it comes to events where children who do not meet the age threshold for vaccinations will be assembling.
The pool committee will have new guidance regarding masking tomorrow JUNE 30 2021 after they have had the opportunity to read all the documents, as well as discuss their application to our facility.
At tonight’s swim meet – as unpopular as this is, we will still be abiding by the system and guidance set up and used on previous meets. This means everyone who will be entering the pool deck will be asked to mask up, and depart the spectating area once your swimmer has completed their race.
I would like to reiterate that not only are we doing our best to be cautious, but it really comes down to doing everything we can to protect our little ones.
Kingsgate 3&4 – we are at the finish line – lets not quit before the race is over.
Sincerely – and with great anticipation for tomorrow,
Mike Nelson