Dear Kingsgate 3 & 4 Residents:
After not being able to hold our annual 4th of July event last year, the Recreation Committee is excited to be making plans for the 2021 celebration! This year's event, however, is contingent upon the full reopening of WA State on June 30 as announced by Governor Jay Inslee. In anticipation of positive forward progress, we would like to get all event volunteers in place so that we are ready if full reopening occurs by June 30. Below is our tentative July 4th event schedule:
11:30 AM - Community gathers at the 3/4 Park.
12:00 Noon - Kick-Off Ceremony followed by neighborhood parade.
Approx. 12:25 PM - Gather back at 3/4 Park for games, food, fun, and fellowship.
Approx. 12:30 PM - Games begin. The fun continues into the afternoon!
Please note that because of the uncertainty of COVID restrictions this year, the HOA will not be selling/providing any food, drinks, or alcohol this year. This will be a Bring-Your-Own-Food-And-Drink event for your family/pod.
Other than that, the event should look pretty normal including our parade, family/pod tents on the lawn, games for kids/adults, fun, and fellowship! We are looking forward to celebrating with neighbors and friends after this crazy past year and a half.
Please RSVP at the SignUpGenius link below with the number of adults/kids attending from your family so that we can get an accurate count for planning purposes.
The RECREATION COMMITTEE will also need a lot of help from neighborhood volunteers to make this event happen. Please review the available volunteer slots below and click on the button to sign up for as many slots as you are able to help us with. You will need to RSVP before you can access the volunteer signup form. Thank you!
QUESTIONS? Please email the Recreation Committee at
Please also follow our new Instagram account @kg34rec.
RSVP & Volunteer Here: