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2021 Easter Egg Hunt Event

Kingsgate 3&4

Hello Kingsgate 3 & 4 Neighbors & Families:

The Recreation Committee and Board of Directors are pleased to announce that we will be holding our annual Easter Egg Hunt this year with added COVID precautions.

In order to comply with King County regulations, we must limit the attendance and require masks and social distancing for this event. Families will need to RSVP in order to participate in this event. Anyone living in a Kingsgate 3 & 4 home is welcome to attend. A Sign-Up Genius email will be sent out to all email addresses on file with the HOA and families will need to sign up for each age group in which their children will participate. Additional instructions, rules, and attestation procedures will be sent out via email to all attendees 3 days prior to the event.


Saturday, April 3, 2021 (Times below)

Masks and social distancing required.

Ages 0-3 – 10:00 AM – Gravel/Tree Picnic Area

Ages 4-6 – 10:45 AM – Wooded Area Behind Pool House/Playground/South Grass Path

Ages 7-9 – 11:30 AM – Grass Field

Ages 10-13 – 8:15 PM – Grass Field

Ages 14-18* – 9:00 PM – Grass Field

*The 14-18 year-old age group is a special NEW ADDITION for 2021. In recognition of all that our children have sacrificed during this year of COVID shutdowns, we want all young people from ages 0-18 to be able to enjoy and participate in this fun community event.


The Recreation Committee needs volunteers to help stuff eggs ahead of this event. The committee can drop off eggs, candy, and other necessary materials so that this volunteer work can be done at your home. Volunteers will then need to drop the stuffed eggs back off to the committee far enough in advance for the eggs to have sufficient time to quarantine before April 3.

Volunteers are also needed to facilitate the actual Easter Egg Hunt on April 3 (crow watchers, egg hiders, announcers, entrance/exit monitors, prize table monitors, etc.). These volunteer positions will need to be filled for each age group. If you can work more than one age group shift, that would be appreciated. A Sign-Up Genius will be going out shortly to enlist all of the volunteers needed to make this event a success. Additional information and instructions will be forthcoming shortly thereafter.


Please click this link to sign your child up for their specific age group’s egg hunt:

Please be sure to arrive on-time (5 minutes early) for your egg hunt on Saturday, April 3. Please make sure that all of your attestation paperwork is already filled out so that we can begin all of the hunts on time and everything can run smoothly and quickly. Attestation paperwork will be emailed to all participants 3 days before the event.


Please feel free to reach out to any member of the Recreation Committee or email ( with questions.

· Cheryse McLeod Lewis, Recreation Committee Chair

· Michele Dwyer

· Vicki Gray

· Ashley Larson

· Wendy Moeller

· Nicole Orswell

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