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Kingsgate 3&4

Bookings for Open Swim is LIVE!!!

Kingsgate 3&4 Pool Guidelines and important info

On January 8th, 2021, guidance was released to allow us to expand our aquatic operations for Phase 3 of the Healthy Washington Plan.

In accordance with the guidance from COVID-19 Prevention Guidance and Reopening of Water Recreation Facilities in Phases put out by the Washington State Department of Health, Kingsgate 3&4 Pool will be expanding capacities. Reservations are still required.

Safety is our top priority as we continue our staged re-opening. To ensure the health of our members and team, we have created a new schedule that limits capacities to ensure social distancing requirements and provides time to clean and sanitize throughout the day. As part of Kingsgate’s ongoing safety plan, things will look a little different. All members will be asked to complete a health screening upon entering the facility, to wear a mask/face-covering while in the building and on deck, and to adhere to social distancing. In addition to our online reservations, we have a waiver that must be complete for each participant cleaning procedures, and clear designations for social distancing are in place. We are beyond excited to welcome you for our next phase of operations.

All information is subject to change throughout the summer. Please continue to check Home | Kingsgate 3&4 ( for updates to this document.

General Procedures

1. Each participant is required to sign a waiver of consent and commitment to the facility’s reopening policies prior to their reservation.

2. Participants are required to wear their swimming attire. Locker rooms and showers not available.

3. Participants are required to bring their own water bottles, towels, and aquatic equipment.

4. Social distancing guidelines of at least six feet of separation must be always maintained by every household to the greatest extent possible, even in the water. Failure to comply puts our facility at risk. Participants who do not follow these guidelines will be asked to leave the facility.

5. Participants are asked to leave the facility immediately after their allotted time to prevent congestion/gathering.

6. Reservations are not allowed if a participant has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and is still within the required quarantine period, have symptoms of COVID-19, or had contact with a person that has or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 14 days.

Open Swim Booking Link:

**Opening Date- May 28th at 2 pm**

Pool Hours of Operation

  • Summer Weekdays

1. 6:00 am to 7:00 am- Lap Swim (2 – 25-minute sessions, limited to 2 swimmers per lane)

2. 7:00 am to 10:30 am- Monarchs to start June 17th.

3. 10:40 to 11:10 – Lessons

4. 11:20 to 11:50 – Lessons

5. 12:00 to 12:30 – Lessons

6. 12:40 to 1:50 pm – Open Swim

7. 2 to 3:50 pm – Open Swim

8. 4 to 5:50 pm – Open Swim

9. 6 to 7:50 pm – Open Swim

10. 8 to 9 OR 8 to 9:30- Pool Party

*Home meets are Tuesday and Thursday and start at 6 pm. June 22nd – July 22nd are meets. July 24th is B champs. July 26th, 27th and 28th is A champs prelims.

  • Weekends

1. 11 to 12 OR 10:30 to 12- Pool Party

2. 12 to 1:50 pm- Open Swim

3. 2 to 3:50 pm- Open Swim

4. 4 to 5:50 pm- Open Swim

5. 6 to 7:50 pm – Open Swim

6. 8 pm to 9 pm OR 8 pm to 9:30 pm – Pool Party

  • School Weekdays

1. 12:40 to 1:10 pm - Lessons

1. 1:20 to 1:50 pm- Lessons

1. 2 to 2:50- Open Swim

2. 3 to 3:50- Open Swim

3. 4 to 4:50- Open Swim

4. 5:00 to 9 pm- Monarchs to start June 1st.

5. Pool parties can only be booked on Friday, Saturday, Sunday while school is in session.

Reservations for Open Swim

· Six tables are available to reserve during open swim to members and their adult children/grandkids. One family per table. A family is defined as all members living in one household. Or in the case of grandparents: one family is the member who is a grandparent with their adult child and grandchildren (the homeowner of the lot number does not have to be present for their grandchildren to reserve one table), no more than 7 people for one registration per table.

· While sitting at your assigned table, masks may be off. When moving around on the deck a mask must be worn. In the water no masks are necessary.

· No guests allowed in phase 3 for open swim.

· Food is allowed during this phase. Be mindful of socially distancing from non- members of your household when eating.

· No showers available during this phase. The toilets and sinks are available for use as needed.

· Guards should announce on the speaker system the time ending for your session.

· While school is in session you may book 2- 1-hour time spots per week. In the case of grandchildren/adult children, the lot number can only be used twice per week for 1 hour time slots.

· When school is out you may book 1- 2-hour session per week. In the case of grandchildren/adult children, the lot number can only be used once per week for a two-hour time slot.

· Same day reservations are open to anyone after 9 am.

· It is the responsibility of the participants to maintain social distance.

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